Loading TXTs and CSVs to PostgreSQL



Loading Large Files

To conserve memory, all CSVs are read in chunks.

Schema Inference

PGReaper uses a custom CSV parser (written in C++) which simultaneously determines sanitizes and analyzes CSV files. It is capable of differentiating between strings, integers, and floats. The data type of an entire column is determined by this rule:

  • If all values are integers, then the column type is bigint
  • If all values are either floats or integers, then the column type is double precision
  • Otherwise, the column type is text
Minor Caveats:
  • Trailing and leading whitespace is ignored when determining data types, so * ” 3.14 ” is considered a floating point number
  • Quoted numeric fields are automatically unquoted (Postgres does not tolerate quoted numeric fields)

Corrections PGReaper Can Make

Not all CSV files are perfect, but PGReaper is capable of making some corrections:
  • Sanitizing column names
  • Dropping rows that are too short or too long
  • Unquoting numeric fields before copying